Sunday, July 20, 2008

Enabling Advance search contains option

You may have observed that in certain built perticularly after 6317 some of the options in advance search are disabled. The missing options are contains and does not contain. These options can be enabled in the after 6317 built.
The may be various reason to enable these options. The required additional resource can be justified by the benefot provided by these option. Some time "We need this option" can come as a command.
The advance search site is the place where you will get the option to enable same. You must have adminstrator privelages to do same. You have to modify the webpary and expand all properties. Find "Option Name=AllowOpContains" and change the Value to "True" <name=allowopcontains" value="">
<name=allowopcontains" value="True">

If you dont find these option you can create same.

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