Saturday, August 30, 2008

What is Code Access Security in SharePoint 2007

I've started to write a piece on What is Code Access Security in SharePoint 2007 and thought I'd put the draft up here to get some feedback -- especially since configuring security has taken prominent place. I'd really appreciate all of your feedback. Thanks! Hament

These days, you can't pick up a blog without reading about the need for the customizing SharePoint as per need of organization. Most of these are done via setting configuration and some time by custom programming too. We as programmer need to think carefully before tweaking the setting for WSS_Minimal and WSS_Medium trust levels. In exceptional cases a third configuration ‘Full’ can also be set. Let me warn you here that this may have serious implications and you may not be able to convince the security group to deploy it in production boxes.

Earlier the security were declared in the web.config file, but that doesn't seem to be the case any more. You will find two pointers to config file of folder localdrive:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12. The classes are configured for code access level. For example you will find out that SqlClientPermission are not allowed in WSS_Minimal but is allowed in WSS_Medium trust.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Extending OCS

In OCS integration with sharepoint you can extend ocs via SDK
Two ways of extending the OCS are discussed here

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

STSDEV: Sharepoint Code generator

STSDEV is a proof-of-concept application that demonstrates a simple code generator for create SharePoint 2007 development projects targeting Visual Studio.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Find Permission and perform action based on Admin access

Find Permission
SPWeb thisweb = SPControl.GetContextWeb(Context);
isAdmin = thisweb.DoesUserHavePermissions(SPBasePermissions.ManageLists);
if (isAdmin == true)
// todo

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Setting URL of link Programatically

SPList list = web.Lists["Links"];

SPListItem newLink = list.Items.Add();

SPFieldUrlValue value = new SPFieldUrlValue();

value.Description = "test";

value.Url = "";

newLink["URL"] = value;


Diaplaying Link field in ItemStyle

< name="LinkList" match="Row[@Style='LinkList']" mode="itemstyle">
< name="DisplayTitle">
< name="OuterTemplate.GetTitle">
< name="Title" select="@URL">
< name="UrlColumnName" select="'URL'">
< /xsl:call-template>
< /xsl:variable>
< name="LinkTarget">
< test="@OpenInNewWindow = 'True'"> _blank< /xsl:if>
< /xsl:variable>
< id="linkitem" class="item">
< class="bullet link-item">
< name="OuterTemplate.CallPresenceStatusIconTemplate">
< name="href">
< select="substring-before($DisplayTitle,', ')">
< /xsl:value-of>
< /xsl:attribute>
< name="title">
< select="@Description">
< /xsl:value-of>
< /xsl:attribute>
< select="substring-after($DisplayTitle,', ')">
< /xsl:value-of>
< /a>
< /div>
< /div>
< /xsl:template>

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Surveys Add questions.

Surveys Add questions programatically

SurveysSPListTemplate objTemplate = currentWeb.ListTemplates["mySurvey"];
Guid objGuid = currentWeb.Lists.Add("mycode", "survey", objTemplate);
SPList objSurvey = currentWeb.Lists["mycode"];
//Let’s add questions
StringCollection strQuestions = new StringCollection();
string strQuestion = "What is your favrate colour?";
objSurvey.Fields.Add(strQuestion, SPFieldType.Choice, true, false, strQuestions);
objSurvey.AllowMultiResponses = false;objSurvey.Update();

Friday, August 22, 2008

Preformance Optimization in SharePoint Server 2007

Several areas we have to look here.

1) Delayloading of core .js
You can load it conditionally. Optimizing core.js

2) Browser Cache Settings
You can look here

Sample event handler to set field as primary field

Use SPItemEventReceiver to achive same. Query the list, find out item with same title, if present set the cancel property to be true.

see here

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Programmatically retrieve the items in a list based on the current user

Based on the permissions of individual user by using SPQuery. more details here

Programmatically rename a file inside a SharePoint document library

Even if sharepoint file name property is read only you can rename a file by checking it out. more details

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Find User Name

Find User Name

string loginName = SPControl.GetContextWebContext).CurrentUser.LoginName.ToString();

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How we can retrieve Discussion Topics (items) from a Discussion List ?

Individual items of the discussion can be found out by finding out the folder. more details

Move file in event handler causes "No item exists" Error

Ishai Sagi discusses a important aspect in moving files ..... He has not SPFile.MoveTo() function since it doesn't support moving to other sites

Ckick here

How To: Customizing alert emails using IAlertNotifyHandler

There are issues with particular field names like ItemName which will be truncated in an alert email at 70 characters. There can also be situations where you want to embed additional content in the email or change the layout and email appearance altogether

Click here

Monday, August 18, 2008


if code is processing a POST request then you hve to take care of few things.

Make a call to SPUtility.ValidateFormDigest() before doing anything esle. This will ensure that the post request is validated (that it is not a cross-site scripting attack) and after that you will not have to worry about AllowUnsafeUpdates as this will be marked as true.
more info

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How to add a new item to a list

using(SPSite mySite = new SPSite(http://mysite))
using(SPWeb myWeb = mySite.OpenWeb())
SPList contactsList = myWeb.Lists["Contacts"];
SPListItem mynewItem = contactsList.Items.Add();
mynewItem ["First Name"] = "Hament";
mynewItem ["Last Name"] = "Verma";
mynewItem .Update();

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Faceted Search

New project at codeplex which searches as per category ...
Some of the advantages listed are

1) Grouping search results by facet
2) Displaying a total number of hits per facet value
3) Refining search results by facet value

Hidden User Information List

MOss has every thing in list. Do you know you can see users list too. Log in with appropriate privelages to following link


you will find the list of all user :)

Custom Site Definition

do you want to include your own site defination with feature enabled or removed?.. here is intrsting areticle from baba

Iterating all lists in the site

using(SPSite mySite = new SPSite(http://server/sites/site))

using(SPWeb myWeb = mySite.OpenWeb())
string Alllink= "";
foreach(SPList list in myWeb.Lists)
string Alllink= "
+ list.Title + "
Alllink+= Alllink;

Friday, August 15, 2008

Change all items in the list

using(SPSite mySite = new SPSite(http://mysite))
using(SPWeb myWeb = mySite.OpenWeb())
SPList contactsList = myWeb.Lists["Contacts"];
foreach(SPListItem existingItem in contactsList.Items)
existingItem["E-mail Address"] = "test"

how to get item's properties

using(SPSite mySite = new SPSite("mysite"))
using(SPWeb myWeb = mySite.OpenWeb())
SPList mycontactsList = myWeb.Lists["MyContacts"];
foreach (SPListItem contact in mycontactsList .Items)
string contactLastName = contact["Last Name"].ToString();

how to get the object for a list whose name is known

using(SPSite mySite = new SPSite("mysite"))
using(SPWeb myWeb = mySite.OpenWeb())
{ SPList contactsList = myWeb.Lists["nameoflist"];


Geeting reference to a site

This is quite straight forward

using(SPSite mySite = new SPSite(http://mysite))
using(SPWeb myWeb = mySite.OpenWeb())

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

SharePoint 2007 Maximum Limitations

Intresting blog by harsh on sharepoint limitation.

Site Name 128 characters
Site URL 255 characters
Display name 128 characters
Connection string 384 characters
Email address 128 characters
Version numbers 064 characters
Virtual Server Friendly Name 064 characters
SQL Database Name 123 characters

More here

Auto refresh sharepoint page...

You can add content editor web part and add the javascript to refresh after x seconds.
See comments to find out how to overcome the message "need to post data"

Monday, August 11, 2008

Programatically creating 1000 of folder with unique permission

this is far more simple and straightfoward. we can use web service to do that. more details

Permission for SPSecurityTrimmedControl

you can use SPSecurityTrimmedControl to customize as per the security.

'<' SharePoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl PermissionsString="AddAndCustomizePages, ManageLists" runat="server"'>'


The content within the control will be shown based on users access level.

The permission are like..
Zac Smith has listed all of them here

Friday, August 8, 2008

Updating UserProfile Property of type ChoiceList

before updating the “ChoiceList” set the “MaximumShown” property to a higher value (depends on how many items you are adding)...
PropertyCollection props = m_mngr.Properties;

Property location = props.GetPropertyByName("CountryList");

Location.MaximumShown = Location.MaximumShown +1;


How to set SPFolder.WelcomePage property?

SPSite site = new SPSite("http://server:100/sites/InternetSite/");

SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();

SPFolder folder = web.RootFolder;

folder.WelcomePage = "TestWiki/Hello1.aspx";
this will work more

Debugging work flow

Nodes are need to be added in web config ..


How to customize your SharePoint site?

All teplates are in 12\TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates. New templates can be developed inside 12\TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates. For more details click here

Updates are currently disallowed on GET requests. while creating a WSS site

you may need to impersonate the user and register hidden field
SPGlobalAdmin globalAdmin = new SPGlobalAdmin();
Context.Items[SPGlobalAdmin.RequestFromAdminPort] = true;
Page.RegisterHiddenField("__REQUESTDIGEST", globalAdmin.AdminFormDigest);


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Site Defination viewer

You can see Site Definition Configurations, All Site Features ,manifests files , receiver classes, stapled features via .NET2 application more info here.

26 feb 08

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

modifying created by column by webservice

This can be done via users web service details

Some cool functionalities of UserGroup.asmx webservice

The Users and Groups Web service provides methods for working with users and groups in Windows SharePoint Services. more details

How we can work with output cache programmatically ?

not only cache policy can be created programatically, you can configure it too. more details here

Monday, August 4, 2008

get rid of the “Error: Access Denied” message

simple.master will require a chnage like this

more here

Make the "Overwrite existing file" check box to be unselected by default in MOSS 2007

while uploading doucment if you want the ovewirte option to be unchecked by defalut ... make changes in xml of TEMPLATE\1033\SPSTOC\LISTS\DOCLIB IIS reset is needed to reflect the changes.


Embed a dynamic excel spreadsheet and chart object into web part

One of the way is use office interop and scripting. looks bit messy but works real quick


"Invalid data has been used to update the list item. The field you are trying to update may be read only" - when updating BEGIN - END fields in an eve

if either Begin or end is missing you will get the error

https:// in which case 7 needs to be 8 */

string goodUrl = Page.Request.Url.ToString();

int startCount = 7;

/* this is to rip-off http:// unless you are using https:// in which case 7 needs to be 8 */

int index = goodUrl.IndexOf("/",startCount,goodUrl.Length-(startCount+1));

goodUrl = goodUrl.Substring(0,index);


Changing Quota Template Names in SharePoint V2

Quota template helps you to manage the grown in site within Admin control

SPGlobalAdmin globalAdmin = new SPGlobalAdmin();

SPGlobalConfig globalConfig = globalAdmin.Config;

SPQuotaTemplateCollection templates = globalConfig.QuotaTemplates;

foreach(SPQuotaTemplate template in templates)


if(template.Name == “Personal Site”)


template.Name = “Modified Personal Site”;


Console.WriteLine(“Quota Template name changed!!”);





Getting Event Handlers developed in VS.NET 2005 to work with SharePoint V2

upgrade the IIS to use Asp.Net 2

FullTextSqlQuery with QueryText length greater than 4096 characters throws ArgumentOutOfRange exception.

this is limitation of moss more

Add subsites and provide navigation functionality in MOSS 2007 - a code approach!

here are details

Case about sorting the quick launch navigation

this is tricky one here

Add/Update "sealed" properties in SharePoint lists

resolve with SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges
more details here

Programming navigation in WSS 3.0

SPNavigationNodeCollection nodes = web.Navigation.TopNavigationBar;

SPNavigationNode newNode1 = new SPNavigationNode("MS TechNet", "", true);

SPNavigationNode newNode2 = new SPNavigationNode("SharePoint SDK Online", "", true);

more details

The security validation for this page is invalid" error when updating objects through SharePoint object model

Setting the "AllowUnsafeUpdates" properties of both the SPSite and SPWeb objects to "true" will resolve this more

Project to customize the small search control in SharePoint 2007

This control is actually available through a feature called "OSearchBasicFeature" located under 12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES. In the feature elements file (in this feature it's called "SearchArea.xml"), you can see the following


What permissions are behind the permission levels (roles) in SharePoint

find out what SPBasePermissions are assigned behind permission level in SharePoint using SharePoint OM code

more details

FBA and User Display Names

SPUser user = web.AllUsers[loginName];
user.Name = displayName;
user.Email = email;

more details

Organization Hierarchy a Mess?

All that the customer had to do was to login to open their http:///person.aspx page using SPD. Find the control and delete it

more details

The buzz with "UrlQueryString" in SharePoint navigation

this only works when root site collection has publishing feature enabled.


Failed to verify user permissions" error when using DspSts.asmx web service

have u enabled anonymous access at web application level?

more here

Wildcard Search in SharePoint

doesnot come out of box here is a way

Using Post Caching Substitution in SharePoint 2007 Web Parts

there are scenarios where you might want to implement output caching on your site/page, but have some controls (Web Parts, User Control) excluded from caching so that they dynamically have their content updated on every request.

more details

How to download files from a SharePoint document library remotely via Lists.asmx webservice

Lists.asmx web service which is available in the /_Vti_Bin/ location of the site and we can use GetListItems() method for returning the information about document library items as XML.

more detail

Make BDC work with FBA

Making BDC (Business Data Catalog) work with FBA (Form Based Authentication) requires a bit of work. to resolve error more

Sunday, August 3, 2008

How to modify the custom People/Groups type column of a SharePoint List using Lists.ASMX

You may call this oListService.Url =


more detail

A way of hiding ListViewWebParts in all pages of SharePoint site in a single shot

create a user control and implemented the logic in the OnLoad() event to hide the webparts. Register that control in a custom master page and applied it to the SharePoint site and it worked well.

more detail

Create a webpart which will allow us to do some IO operations with the files and folders in client

Active X way


Programmatically create a view (custom view) of a list and change the view

you can user your own sub query

string query = "" +


more detail

create publishing pages in portal sites programmatically and add it into a specific folders inside the Pages library

executing code with elevated privileges will help whenever we create the publishing pages from a sharepoint portal site for an another portal site.If we create the publishing page within a site collection then this code will execute fine without elevated privileges. more

How to debug inline code of custom layout pages

change in web.config file by making the debug="true" more detail

Can we get the HTTPContext in custom event handlers in SharePoint

yes more details

How to show task creator's & modifier's name instead of "System Account" in the Task Library

Create an event handler – ItemAdded & ItemUpdated, which will capture the event whenever a new task Item added to the Task List and whenever we modify that task by approving/rejecting the workflow task. more

How to enable users to download infected files when a download scan that is performed by using anti-virus software is disabled?

yopu need to set property AllowQuarantinedFileDownload to true more

Creating a read-only field with default value in a SharePoint list

if you want to create a read-only column with default value and with condition that nobody can edit it, then you can implement it by using the FieldAdded event more

publishing portal pages : "Value does not fall within the expected range"

Happens mostly when page is corrupted or have incorrect top level site URL. more

Title field how to make it as required one,

custamization needed in schema.xml

SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges - an important point while using it in web context

Do not forget to create a new instance of SPSite and SPWeb inside SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges more

Rename a File in a SharePoint document library through object model

we have to first check-out the file and after renaming the file we have to check-in it more

How to take out the dlls from GAC ?

Some time you need to take a dll out of GAC programatically. you need to dive deep inside GAC_MSIL more

work around for customization of core.js

use a custom master page to that particular site collection and override the core.js file instead of using the original one. more

implement a custom mechanism to delete the audit entries in your SharePoint site

There was no way of deleting the audit log entries in SharePoint till the release of infrastructure update more

Problem with PeopleEditor

PeopleEditor control will display the CommaSeparatedAcccounts value only if we provide the values to that property before adding it to the control array. That means we have to provide the values inside the CreateChildControl method.

Update email addresses of all users

if the domain name has chnaged and you want to update email of all user

Retrieving the metadata information of a current approved version of a list item

try accessing the version with the index of of the version number and the column name. more

A requirement that you want to add some webparts while creating a new site

We don’t have any event handlers for site created or web created to capture that event. But, we have a wonderful feature which is nothing but Feature Stapling . more

Issue with the WebPartManager class while adding webparts dynamically to a specific webpart zone

AddWebPart () method of WebPartManager class, it will add the webpart to a specified webpart zone, but if we do page refresh or a post back, will keep the newly added webpart some other webpart zone in the page. Bizarre....


How we can create documents inside a document library based upon the content type’s document template?

SPFile oFile = projectDocumentLibrary.RootFolder.Files.Add("TestDoc1.doc", oWeb.GetFile(oContentType .DocumentTemplateUrl).OpenBinary(), true);


Friday, August 1, 2008

Add subsites and provide navigation functionality in MOSS 2007 - a code approach!


Attempted to read or write protected memory

Have to came accross error like this...

Event Id: 6398
Event Source: Windows SharePoint Services 3
The Message text contains: "Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.
ApplicationServerAdministrationServiceJob" and "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."

6482, 7076
Microsoft has released fix for this

How to create a custom list with custom views based upon a custom list definition

more here

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bog in the language you dont know.

JUst integrate the code Larry is discussing in his blog.

Sharepoint and word integration.

do you agree to folloing post

I do think MS Sharepoint 2007 holds some real promise, especially with the degree it integrates with Word. I also know that a key is going to be to develop good document hygiene practices and training our people to use them. Users are going to have to rethink how they communicate and collaborate.

Log Shipping: Limitations and Constraints of SharePoint

The configuration database and SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration content database are inter-dependent, therefore cannot be log shipped separately or at all for that matter due to hard-coded information about the servers (dbo.Objects),

more infor here

Sharepoint Alternate Access Mapping.

Some of the scenario where you will be needing it are like ..A reverse proxy which may be used for off-box SSL termination or load balancer. Administrator need to keep track of public url that is being used to access the site.

more information here

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Enabling Advance search contains option

You may have observed that in certain built perticularly after 6317 some of the options in advance search are disabled. The missing options are contains and does not contain. These options can be enabled in the after 6317 built.
The may be various reason to enable these options. The required additional resource can be justified by the benefot provided by these option. Some time "We need this option" can come as a command.
The advance search site is the place where you will get the option to enable same. You must have adminstrator privelages to do same. You have to modify the webpary and expand all properties. Find "Option Name=AllowOpContains" and change the Value to "True" <name=allowopcontains" value="">
<name=allowopcontains" value="True">

If you dont find these option you can create same.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

SharePoint and Microsoft Project Server

Lot more intresting options are comming for project manager with having SharePoint and Microsoft Project Server comming together. Paul Ferril had published intresting article here

4 april 08

Coldfusion Sharepoint integration

Lots of application are now supposed to have sharepoint integration. Even coldfusion user are putting down lots of thought in it. Benforta has written a blog here regarding same.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Wordle confirms sharepoint domination

Wordle is new way of representation of clould. It shows how much the owrd in used in the websjust like tages. but these are pure graphics and no navigation is provided on same.

Graphics play a important role in Wordle. These are so good looking. JUst by seeing in them we can get intresated.

Quickly we can find out the pulse of the web site. The key theme which is going around in the sight. No longer we have to go in details and then come to conclusion about the theme of the web site.

ONe of the blog reports that sharepoint in far ahead then IBM and other leading competitors...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Silverlight and sharepoint.

Want to build flash like application?
MOSS already has blue print of same. read more here

Displaying help in MOSS 2007

Yes you can do this!!
click link to modify webpart. Go on advance section under tool pane. You will see Help URL and Help Mode. This works only under chrome.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sharepoint calender vs Personal calender

You can manage the calenders more effectively by comparing side by side. if there are any conflict few things can be suffeled.

MOSS keeps team updated.

Integration and synchronization capabliteis of the MOSS with office program system, presence system and mobile access keep every one updated.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Team site having a distribution list

Imagine if you have a email distribution list associated with Team site. As and when there are changes in the group , they will be reflected in next post :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Out look for offline capablites

You can use outlook to take the offline copy of the document and then upload by reconnecting. All automated updating..

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Task notification

Team member will get automated mail as they are assigned new task or staus of the task is changed. A must have feature.

MOSS Content Deployment Wizard

Chris discussed about Content Deployment Wizard

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Programming Sharepoint.

Programming sharepoint.

1. simple version of handler page code that calls implementations of the IHtmlTrLoadBalancer and IHtmlTrLauncher interfaces, converts a document by using the CHICreateHtml method, and writes the output of the conversion process to a file. here

Thursday, June 26, 2008

MOSS used successfully

Following is the list of case study where Moss 2007 is used successfully.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Office SharePoint Server Licensing

This is not at all confusing if you look at these links. Please make sure you talk to Microsoft representative before buying the liceses.

Actual prices

Why sharepoint is gaining

:)Intresting post here
To a certain extent, the excitement about SharePoint has really been a reflection of disillusionment with existing collaboration, content management, and portal products. The people that are interested in SharePoint - despite already having incumbent alternatives - see at first glance a product that may finally provide easy-to-use, inexpensive, web-based collaborative solutions.


Get YSlow

Yahoo has provided a tool which with firefox helps you to fid out why your web pages are slow. click here
if you are intrested in 13 rules to make site faster click here

Saturday, June 21, 2008

SharePoint Governance

Very intresting article by Joel Oleson.

Make sure your deployement of sharepoint dont become nightmare.

Multitenant version of Sharepoint.

Microsoft intends to evolve sharepoint to support Multitenant. read more story here

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sharepoint Gear up and ROI

New gear up site is up to help you with different aspect of sharepoint. Some pointers on ROI, time it take , presentation .. intresting to read

click here

Office is the bread while SharePoint is the butter

Microsoft is deeply commited to sharepoint and expect lot of innnovation, marketing and commitment on that front..

"the corporate enterprise market is Microsoft's kitchen, and Office is the bread while SharePoint is the butter that makes everything "

read more here

Monday, June 9, 2008

Protocols between Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Microsoft Office client applications

The standrad protocol for following are released
Protocols between Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Microsoft Office client applications;

• Protocols between Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and other Microsoft server products;

• Protocols between Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Outlook;

• Protocols between 2007 Microsoft Office system client applications and other Microsoft server products.

more here

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sharepoint Services Decoupled from Windows Server 2008

Julius Sinkevicius, Windows Server Product Manager has blogged that Sharepoint services are no longer the part of Windows Server 2008. The services are to be downloded seperatly and installed.

Sounds like the fetures update/reales will be far more :-)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Feature wish list.

One of the requirement I am facing now is of allowing user to see a forum only in specific time of day. Say 6.00 Pm to 7.00 Pm. Search crawling , search result should be configured immediatly.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sharepoint 2007: Next Revolution

The power and elegance of Asp.Net 2.0 has done wonders to Sharepoint. Completly rewritten in terms of webpart, MOSS now simply amazing. This application will change the way websites for Enterprises are developed and used.

3-4 year down the line every body will be using it and will wonder how was life before sharepoint.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Architecting Business Application in Sharepoint world

Sharepoint(MOSS 2007) is latest offering from Microsoft. Every one who is significant in business seems to have a inclination to go with it now or in near future. Here are few points related to Business application in Sharepoint.

Why Sharepoint?
The capablity of the application to evolve with the business requirement through configration only is superb. The benefits sharepoint brings on table for managing the unstructured data are too much to ignore it. Your manager like it, His manager like it and you too will like it once you start managing people(just joking!).

The process of the organization in which innovation through new technologies and business models can provide competitive advantage are in domain of Sharepoint.

Golden Rules
1)Sharepoint is for un structured data. LOB application and ERP are there for structured process. (click here to see bigger picture)

(click here to see bigger picture)

2) Plug in sharepoint for all un structured process in organization. Target all the process where innovation is posible and value can be added by changing the process.

3) Identifiy the un structured process part in the LOB and ERP and plug in sharepoint to manage the un structured part. Leave the optimized business process which are matured to LOB application and ERP.

Why Not sharepoint for matured Business Process.
1) Off self application address the needs better by confirming to industry standards. The overall cost of software for matured process is low via off self application.

2)Database fetures like stored procedure, trigger, seperate tables , Master Detail tables relationship, functions, column level security, performance is better utilised by off self application.

3) Reporting features are better in Off the self application.

Why sharepoint for Unstructured Business Process.
1) New approches, models, innovation can be incorporated in application on demand by configration in sharepoint. Organization can develope competative advantage by adopting new ways.

2) Sharepoint can evolve to business need in quick turn around time. In fact Business user can configure the application without need of IT people.

3) Content of Unstructured Business Process will be digitalised. This is huge advantage for the organization. Unstructured Business Process will always there in organization.

How does sharepoint add value?.
1)Provides intutive plateform to digitilise all your unstructured process. The process can be tailored by business people by configration. Employess can try new model, Innovate new ways to improve the process.

2)Security: Every thing is secured. Permission can be set right from higher level to item level. No glitches. Audit reports are welcome add in

3)Engineers @microsoft are evolving the application. Expect tons of functionality in to be added in next version.

When to develop business application in sharepoint.
1) There is need to try different model, process.

2) Every thing else is on Sharepoint.

3) Work flows are part and parcel of Business application.

How to develop business application in sharepoint.
1)Workflow will have maximum code(State machine).

2) Use custom SQL server Tables, Infopath and BDC to read, write data. Donot store business data in list.

3) See Microsoft implementations.

1) How to develop business application in sharepoint.
2) Where to store data? in sharepoint list or busness database tables.
3) Will all business application will be ported to sharepoint.

Learn about composite application

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Thinkweek: Microsoft uses SharePoint

intresting observation from Bill Gate himself
For example, each year I do something called ThinkWeek where anybody in the company can submit a paper about an idea they have to change the way our company works or to pursue a new development project. We used to rely primarily on printed documents, but now it's simple for us to create a Web site to manage the entire process. This year, more than 350 papers were submitted. Not only did I read and comment on many of them, but other technical leaders from across the company were able to go up to the ThinkWeek Web site and add their thoughts. This has led to many lively discussions and started numerous new projects, something that was much harder to do when everything was on paper

Thursday, February 7, 2008

SharePoint Resources and Links

Latest MOSS 2007 SDK (includes samples,starter kit .... )

-- download here

SharePoint resources & Nice WebLogs




Today I was learning about custom webparts and following links were really useful

--- Filter WebParts MSDN article

---- Walkthrough: Writing a Simple Filter Consumer Web Part Sample

---- MOSS 2007 filter WebParts 1 - create your own provider and consumer (Its a series of 4 articles)